Understanding the Bible is the key to finding freedom, healing and hope in Jesus. If you feel there has to be more to life than meets the eye, that there is deeper meaning to be found than what popular culture offers, consider studying the Bible with us. God wants you to live up to your full potential. Take the first step here!



My God loves without restraint… Many have tried to determine what constitutes the essential human endeavor. For some it is to be known and for others it is to be loved. For many it is to make a lasting mark on the world so that the impact of ones life continues to have significance. At…




God's Continuing Conversation Globalization and increased means of travel make it easier for loved ones to live apart from each other. Long distance relationships are on the rise, be it partners stationed overseas for work or a child moving interstate to study. Unsurprisingly, Skype has become one of the most popular Internet tools in the…


The Sabbath


A weekly date with God Even though “I’m too busy!” has become the catch phrase of the twenty-first century, which is often “a boast disguised as a complaint”((Tim Kreider, “The ‘busy’ trap” in The New York Times, June 30, 2012. )), scientists are discovering that we perform better and achieve more if we take a…


Understand the Bible and Discover the Answers to Life’s Deepest Questions


Discover the answers to life’s deepest questions when you equip yourself with the right tools and support for a successful, enriching Bible study.